NCSA Mosaic and QuickTime

A How To Guide

QuickTime is Apple Computer's "Cross Platform" movie format. NCSA Mosaic now supports QuickTime movies on the Macintosh , Microsoft Windows 3.1 and soon Silicon Graphics . There are many QuickTime players available for the Macintosh. Simple Player is readily available. Here are some suggested players:

For COMPLETE cross-platform compatibility use the MPEG movie format.

Since QuickTime is not available on all X platforms, movies in QuickTime format will not be playable on all machines.

Making the Movie Readable by the HTTP Server

QuickTime movies can be created in using a variety of tools available on the Macintosh. Once created the movie must be given a file extension of .mov. Finally the movie needs to be saved as a "Self Contained File" This can be done by reading the movie into Movie Converter and executing a "Save As" from the file menu. Check the "Make Self Contained" button and "Playable on non-Apple computers" box. This procedure is necessary to play the movie through http servers. Movie Converter is part of the QuickTime Starter Kit available from Apple Computer.

Once the movie is created and converted place it in the directory accessible by your server. If you are using a UNIX-based server, you will need to transfer the file using an application such as NCSA Telnet. When ftping the file to the UNIX system use Binary mode NOT MacBinary.

Sample QuickTime Movies

Kim Stephenson : Software Development Group - NCSA